
RaRe2 - Dynamic Discussion

Save the Date: May 13th, 2024
Time: 11:00 - 13:30 CET
Target Participants: RaRe2 Partners, Data Scientists, ML Experts, Data/Enterprise Architects, Industrial Engineers, Decision-makers & Managers
Registration Link: Forms: "Industrial Monitoring Strategies for Early Detection & Evaluation Open Discussion" Survey

Join us for a dynamic discussion on navigating the data landscape for early detection and proactive decision-making!

Hosted by CORE and involving ALL partners, this event aims to tackle challenges surrounding data identification, management, and monitoring. We're diving deep into how various industries utilize data for early detection and industrial monitoring strategies.


  1. Gain insights into business context, data relevance, and reliability for informed decision-making.
  2. Foster knowledge exchange among participants in data manipulation and industrial strategies.
  3. Identify best practices and strategies for monitoring data sources, especially during critical events.

Topics Include:

  • Short Introduction;
  • Business Understanding;
  • Data Source Identification for Early Detection;
  • Data Understanding and Preparation;
  • Data Modelling;
  • Data Evaluation;
  • Monitoring Strategies.

Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to network, learn, and collaborate with industry experts! Stay tuned for the link, coming soon to your inbox.
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